Normally, zdkimsign uses the --no-db option of zdkimfilter, so as to avoid having the messages signed this way logged to the database. However, the --db-filter and --db options allow logging. The inode number for database keys, in those cases is either that of the ctlfile or fixed 99999999.
zdkimsign creates the ctlfile in the directory specified by the -t option, if any; otherwise, in the one specified by the tmp configuration option, if present; otherwise in /tmp. The filesystem of the temporary directory may happen to be relevant for the uniqness of the pid-mtime-ino key.
zdkimverify and zarcseal are symlinks. Using them switches the behavior as described under the corresponding options below.
If config-filename is an empty string (""), the program will use default values only. Otherwise, config-filename will be opened in the current directory.
This option uses by zdkimfilter's --save-files option.
If the executable is compiled with debugging support, this option dumps the canonicalization results to files named "dkim.*.*".
All files are created in the /tmp directory, possibly overridden by the corresponding configuration parameter.
I/O behavior is obtained by passing the --no-fork option to zdkimfilter. That way, the message-file arguments get silently ignored.
See the description above for the relationship between key uniqueness and the temporary directory.
Unless --filter is also specified, zdkimverify passes the --no-write option to zdkimfilter, so as to not modify the target mail file. Authentication-Results are output on stdout, log lines to stderr.
This writes an ARC set on the target file(s), signed by the specified --domain option, using DKIM keys. An ARC set consists of the three header fields ARC-Seal, ARC-Message-Signature and ARC-Authentication-Results. The latter one is transformed from existing Authentication-Results fields, which are removed from the header.
Copyright © 2012-2025 Alessandro Vesely