Download spamhaus drop list with curl
Maintain an ipset to be used within iptables on your firewall
[Intro] [Bash script] [Alternatives]


Here is yet another utility to deploy Spamhaus DROP (Don't Route Or Peer) list by using curl, ipset and iptables.

The following script assumes you have created an IP set of type nethash named spamhaus. You should do this in the script that sets up the firewall, like so:

ipset create spamhaus nethash

Note the syntax change, from  ipset -N  to  ipset create, in version 6.

Then, among other iptables rules, you add something like:

iptables -A my_chain  -m set --match-set spamhaus src,dst -j DROP

There is another tactic, that Mike uses for TCP packets directed against his mail server:
First mangle

-A PREROUTING -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m set --match-set spamhaus src -j CONNMARK --set-xmark 0x19

and then filter
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m connmark --mark 0x19 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset

Bash script

001: #! /bin/bash
003: log=/var/log/spamhaus-drop.log
004: lock=drop.lock
005: wdir=/var/lib/spamhaus-drop
006: spamhaus=''
008: # log $1
009: function log_this() {
010:    printf '%s: %s\n' "$(date --rfc-3339=seconds)" "$1" >> $log
011: }
014: cd $wdir || exit 1
015: lockfile-create --use-pid --retry 1 --lock-name $lock || exit 1
017: # if the ipset is missing, it's useless to download anything
018: ipset list spamhaus > /dev/null 2>&1
019: if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
020:    log_this 'error in ipset list spamhaus'
021:    lockfile-remove --lock-name $lock
022:    exit 1
023: fi
025: curl_flags='--silent --show-error --remote-name --remote-time --max-time 150
026:    --write-out %{http_code}'
028: if [ "$1" = "-v" ]; then
029:    curl_flags="--verbose $curl_flags"
030:    curl_keep_stderr=true
031: fi
033: new_files=""
034: old_files=""
035: # download file, name must not be null, and must have no spaces (urlencode).
036: # existing files are downloaded only if newer.
037: # new_ and old_ files are updated according to the result.
038: # stderr displays normally when -v (verbose) is given on the command line
039: function run_curl() {
040:    local name=$1 existing="" time_cond="" rtc=""
041:    if [ -f $name ]; then
042:       time_cond="--time-cond $name"
043:       existing=$name
044:    fi
045:    if [ -n "$curl_keep_stderr" ]; then
046:       rtc=$(curl $curl_flags $time_cond $spamhaus/$name)
047:    else
048:       rtc=$(curl $curl_flags $time_cond $spamhaus/$name 2>&1)
049:    fi
050:    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
051:       if [ "$rtc" = "200" -a -f $name ]; then
052:          new_files+="${new_files:+ }$name"
053:          existing=''
054:       elif [ "$rtc" != "304" ]; then
055:          log_this "http $rtc for $name"
056:       fi
057:    else
058:       log_this "${rtc:-curl: $?} for $spamhaus/$name"
059:    fi
060:    test -n "$existing" && old_files+="${old_files:+ }$existing"
061: }
063: # define what files to process
064: do_ipset=""
065: if [ -f no-download ]; then
066:    do_ipset=$(<no-download)
067:    log_this "no-download${do_ipset:+: $do_ipset}"
068: else
069:    run_curl drop.txt
070:    run_curl edrop.txt
072:    log_this "download: ${new_files:-none}${old_files:+, existing: $old_files}"
073:    do_ipset=${new_files:+$new_files $old_files}  # do both if any is new
074: fi
076: # process blocks, if any
077: if [ -n "$do_ipset" ]; then
078:    ipset destroy temp  > /dev/null 2>&1
079:    ipset create temp hash:net
081:    perl -e 'while(<>){s/;.*//; s/\s//g; print $_, "\n" unless /^$/;}' \
082:       $do_ipset |
083:       (
084:          blockcount=0;
085:          errcount=0
086:          while read block; do
087:             err=$(ipset add temp $block 2>&1)
088:             if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
089:                (( ++errcount < 6 )) && log_this "$block $err"
090:             else
091:                (( ++blockcount ))
092:             fi
093:          done
094:          test $errcount -gt 6 &&
095:             log_this "$errcount errors in $do_ipset"
096:          log_this "$blockcount blocks set from $do_ipset"
097:       )
099:    ipset swap temp spamhaus
100:    ipset destroy temp
101: fi
103: lockfile-remove --lock-name $lock
zero rights

Copy and paste the script to your editor of choice. Note that it uses perl (line 81). You may want to use sed and egrep -v instead. Regular expressions are similar, but sed wants [[:space:]] instead of \s. Just save it in /etc/cron.daily/ or equivalent when done.

You can pass -v to the script to see more of the download. Otherwise, you can prevent unwanted downloads like so:

echo drop.txt edrop.txt > no-download

That way you won't annoy Spamhaus while testing. Recall they don't want people to download more than once per hour. In my limited experience, once per day seems to be enough...


An IP set is limited to 65536 entries. If you need to block the whole IPv4 space you may want to try tools like ipqbdb.

More on IP-address based firewalling in: